Tanzania's Baloch

I had a remarkable experience in Tanzania, it was wonderful to experience such a exotic nation and to have a chance to explore its rich history and culture. However the main reason for my journey was to research the Balochi community there and their way of life in the African continent.  My quest took me to Bagamoyo, Zanzibar and Dar es Salaam where I met some wonderful Balochi people. It was an overwhelming experience to visit the Tanzanian Balouch Community in Dar es Salaam and to have met proud Baloches like Taj Abbas Baloch who is a community leader along with Mr Kadu Balouch; the author of "the warm breeze of Balouchistan and the East African Balouches".

During my stay in Tanzania, I decided to produce a Balochi languege video log (as linked bellow). The video project underline my experiences and at times my frustrations! Apologies for the sound quality. Enjoy.

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